Image: Alum pot caving

Geography Field Studies for the Limestone/Karst Environment

Some of the most enjoyable caving we deliver is for groups of students, where, for Scottish Higher or English and Welsh GCSE the limestone environment is covered as part of the geography sylabus.

We recently worked in conjunction with another business to deliver this element of the Scottish Higher sylabus, and received some fantatsic feedback..

“Thank you so much for working with our students on the caving trip. I have to say that following an evaluation, the caving has come out as a highlight of the trip by far!! The students were really impressed at your knowledge and learned a lot! (In fact you managed to cover much of what I was going to tell them, so it was great for them to hear it from someone different for a change!)

They were exhilirated by the experience and many of them were pleased to have challenged themselves to try the caving and I think they would all probably do it again given the chance!

I personally felt very exhilirated by the experience and was impressed and grateful for how much effort you put into talking to them about the limestone rock and caving system, environment in the cave along with the importance of protecting caving systems.

I am sure we will run the trip again and I would like you to be the guide when we do caving again as you were fantastic at encouraging the pupils to try new experiences despite their initial fears at times and the information you were able to teach the students was excellent.”